Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miles of Smiles

Oh, John...

If you could see me right now, I'm shaking my head in disappointment. You keep thinking that your little taunts can get to me; they can't. You just can't accept the fact that I'm on a higher path than you. I've tried to share that, but you won't receive it (see Chapter 8 of the Totus Gnarus Soulpath Guide: "Learning When a Mind Is "Closed for Business").

I like smiles. I use them as often as I can, online and in real life, too. Consider this little bit of ancient wisdom:

It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown.

You see? Smiling is better for you all around. (And more energy efficient!)

You know, if we look back, we both had a pretty "rad" time in the '80s. But someone else made a long, long journey in the '80s, just to teach us a little something about ourselves, with the power of his smile:

If that can't make you like smiling, John, then nothing will.


P.S. :)

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