If you could see me right now, I'm shaking my head in disappointment. You keep thinking that your little taunts can get to me; they can't. You just can't accept the fact that I'm on a higher path than you. I've tried to share that, but you won't receive it (see Chapter 8 of the Totus Gnarus Soulpath Guide: "Learning When a Mind Is "Closed for Business").
I like smiles. I use them as often as I can, online and in real life, too. Consider this little bit of ancient wisdom:
It takes seventeen muscles to smile and forty-three to frown.
You see? Smiling is better for you all around. (And more energy efficient!)
You know, if we look back, we both had a pretty "rad" time in the '80s. But someone else made a long, long journey in the '80s, just to teach us a little something about ourselves, with the power of his smile:

If that can't make you like smiling, John, then nothing will.
P.S. :)
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